Fentanyl Awareness

Educate Yourself, Protect Your Loved Ones

Shining a Light on Fentanyl. Understanding the Danger Within

Hello, I’m Valerie Donovan. My son Connor’s story is a heartbreaking reminder of how quickly fentanyl can shatter lives. One choice, one moment, can change everything.

Connor was a vibrant 28-year-old with a bright future. He had a good job, his own place, and a heart full of love for his family and friends. His laugh was infectious, his work ethic strong. He lived life to the fullest.

Connor traveled often for work, but we stayed connected through constant texts. On October 15th, 2021, he surprised me with a visit during an unexpected day off. I’ll always cherish that afternoon – him playing with his nephews, especially holding baby Nathan for the first and only time. He left in high spirits, texting a proud “on in 2, on a par 5” from the golf course, then excitedly making weekend plans with friends and family in our group chat.

That night was meant for cheering on the Red Sox. Instead, it became a nightmare. Connor was with friends, watching the game, when what he thought was cocaine turned out to be laced with deadly fentanyl. In a matter of minutes, his laughter was silenced. Despite frantic efforts, only four out of five young men were saved. Connor, with so many dreams left unfulfilled, was gone.

We lost him at 1:30 am on October 16th, 2021. 

Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid far more potent than heroin, stole his life. It’s a poison disguised in innocent-looking substances, and it takes just one moment to turn joy into unspeakable tragedy.

About Connor

Connor was an avid sports enthusiast, excelling in soccer, baseball, football, and hockey. Whenever you encountered Connor, he was adorned in sports attire, sporting a shirt or jacket that reflected his passion for athletics. He achieved a remarkable feat in his little league baseball career, pitching a no-hitter game. As a freshman in high school, Connor showcased his skills on the football field.

Hockey held a special place in Connor’s heart from the tender age of four, and he remained dedicated to the sport until he graduated from the Midget hockey program. His talent and determination led him to secure a spot on the freshman high school hockey team, and he was even promoted to the varsity level within the same year. Connor eagerly anticipated coaching his nephews in hockey, which inspired a partnership with the Tr County Saints Hockey team in Taunton. Through this collaboration, an annual $2,500 scholarship is provided to families in need of financial assistance for tuition, ensuring that children have the opportunity to pursue their passion for the sport, just as Connor did.

Facing Fentanyl: Understanding the Dangers and Staying Safe

Understanding the dangers of fentanyl is crucial in keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe. Specifically, when it comes to children, the impact of fentanyl can be particularly devastating. Its deadly effects on kids cannot be overstated, as even small amounts of this powerful synthetic opioid can lead to fatal consequences. Parents and guardians must stay vigilant and educate themselves and their children about the risks associated with fentanyl. By being informed and equipped with knowledge, we can work together to prevent tragedies and protect the young ones from the dangers of this potent substance.

Have the Conversation, It Could Save a Life

Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, possesses a critical and alarming danger that cannot be ignored. Its shocking facts reveal a substance so powerful that even a small amount can lead to severe consequences, including respiratory distress, addiction, and overdose – all of which can be fatal. What makes fentanyl especially perilous is its deceptive nature, often being mixed with other drugs like heroin or cocaine without the user’s knowledge, increasing the risk of unintended overdoses. 

The devastating impact of fentanyl extends beyond its immediate effects, with long-term health repercussions, fractured relationships, and emotional struggles for both the individuals using it and their loved ones. Understanding the dangers of fentanyl is crucial in raising awareness and promoting empathy towards those who may be grappling with addiction to this highly dangerous substance.

Start a non-judgmental talk with your teen, relative or friend. Ask what they know about fentanyl, express your concern without accusation.

Emphasize that you are their safe place for help, no matter what.


SAMHSA’s National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)SAMHSA.org

Fentanyl's Many Forms

Fentanyl is often pressed into pills made to look like prescription painkillers (Oxycontin, Percocet), ADHD medications (Adderall), or anti-anxiety drugs (Xanax). Teens may take these pills unknowingly, believing them to be something else entirely.

Where Fentanyl is Found

Fentanyl is produced in illegal labs and sold by drug dealers. It might be mixed into other drugs, like heroin or cocaine, without the user's knowledge. Fake pills containing fentanyl are easily bought through social media, online marketplaces, and counterfeit pharmacy websites.

Narcan Saves Lives

Reversing an overdose: Narcan (naloxone) is a medication that rapidly reverses a fentanyl overdose. It comes in a nasal spray or injection form. Parents, schools, and community members should learn how to use Narcan and have it readily available.

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The one fentanyl fact that shocks me the most is if one little sugar packet was filled with fentanyl, it would be enough to potentially kill 2,200 people.

Valerie Varrasso - Connor's Mom